
Are Your TSP Investments Right For You?

Do you lose sleep every time the financial markets decline, or do you view a market correction as an opportunity to invest at a more reasonable price? How you answer this question reveals a lot about whether your TSP investments are suitable for your risk profile. Creating a TSP portfolio that accurately reflects your riskContinue reading “Are Your TSP Investments Right For You?”

Why Federal Employees Must Prepare For Spending Shocks In Retirement

Federal retirees face numerous risks in their golden years. These risks often fall into three categories: market risk, longevity risk, and spending shocks. This week we’re covering spending shocks, meaning large unanticipated expenses in retirement, the most common of which are rising health care costs, changes in-home needs, and inflation. While it is nearly impossibleContinue reading “Why Federal Employees Must Prepare For Spending Shocks In Retirement”

What Is The TSP Age-Based Withdrawal?

Many federal employees are unfamiliar with the Thrift Savings Plan’s withdrawal options, and for good reason, the list of terms and rules for making contributions and taking withdrawals can seem endless. Adding to the confusion is that there are different withdrawal rules for active and separated federal employees. So, to help shine some light onContinue reading “What Is The TSP Age-Based Withdrawal?”

The Biggest Risk Federal Employees Face As They Near Retirement

The years immediately before and after retirement are often referred to as the fragile decade for your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) because of the disproportionate impact that investment returns during this period have on your TSP’s longevity. This disproportionate impact of investment returns is called the sequence of return risk, and it’s the greatest riskContinue reading “The Biggest Risk Federal Employees Face As They Near Retirement”

4 Tax Pitfalls Federal Employees Need To Avoid

There are many financial mistakes that federal employees can make throughout their life, but some of the most common that I see revolve around tax planning. Specifically, there are 4 common errors I see federal employees make before they work with my firm. These tax mistakes can be costly and might even derail your financialContinue reading “4 Tax Pitfalls Federal Employees Need To Avoid”

5 Things Federal Employees Need To Know About RMDs

Many federal employees have heard about Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), and although most will be subject to this rule, few know the details surrounding it. Since RMDs are such an important factor in retirement planning, this week, we are covering the 5 things you must know about them. So, let’s dive in! 1: What AreContinue reading “5 Things Federal Employees Need To Know About RMDs”

What Federal Employees Need To Know About Tax Diversification?

An overwhelming number of federal employees that come to me for help have most of their retirement assets in a tax-deferred account, meaning the traditional Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and/or a traditional IRA. And while saving diligently in your TSP throughout your career is a great thing, using other account types to build diverse taxContinue reading “What Federal Employees Need To Know About Tax Diversification?”

What Is The TSP Hardship Withdrawal?

Most federal employees are familiar with the rules for putting money into their Thrift Savings Plan but aren’t sure about taking money out. When thinking about the withdrawal rules for the TSP, it’s essential to differentiate between the rules while you’re a federal employee versus when you have separated from service. Withdrawals made while you’reContinue reading “What Is The TSP Hardship Withdrawal?”

Contributing To Your TSP After Separating From Federal Service

Sooner or later, you will separate from federal service, and whether you are called to retirement or the prospects of the private sector, you’ll have to decide what to do with your Thrift Savings Plan. While many federal employees will opt to transfer their TSP to an IRA, many will choose to keep their nestContinue reading “Contributing To Your TSP After Separating From Federal Service”

Should You Use Your TSP To Pay Off Your Mortgage?

As federal employees near retirement, many questions inevitably come up. One common question I am asked is, “should I use my TSP to pay off my mortgage?” And my answer almost always is, it depends. Though it might seem like a smart financial move, several factors should be considered before deciding to pay off yourContinue reading “Should You Use Your TSP To Pay Off Your Mortgage?”